Sunday, September 4, 2011

Catching Up

Well I started this Blog in July sometime, and haven't really posted anything. My goal is to post something once a week. I am going to TRY really hard.

Lately I can't get these thoughts of uncertainty and discontent about my life out of my mind. I feel like I am at such a loss, I just don't know what to do. Currently I am reading this book, "Socrates Cafe" that has gotten me thinking. Basically the author speaks about Socrates and his way of questioning the world, his life, etc. The author started group gathering's in cafe's with random people to start conversations full of questioning, questions that eventually lead to answers. I am now currently on the third part of the book, it is really interesting to see what people have to say and to see how the dissect and analyze the question so that they can find the answer they are actually looking for. I think I need to do the same, sit down and just ask. For instance, what is it that I am wanting? Where do I want to be in 5-10 years? What am I passionate about? In a way, I feel like I need to soul search, and by that I need to explore. Start in on a new adventure. Right now, I really want to volunteer in an Orphanage in either Thailand or Romania. Whether that is going to happen, I don't know. I need like $2,000, money that I don't have. Growing up is a lot harder than I thought especially when I pay for everything, rent, school, clothes, food, etc. So for now, it is just going to be a dream perhaps. I also want to get out of my home town, I hope that will happen within the next year or so. Well, now that I have let that out I hope that I can find myself on a better path sooner than later.

With love,
Paris Rae

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